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רשימת טכניקות הלחימה בידיים ריקות

  1. 七星勢 - seven stars style

  2. 攬雀尾 - grasping bird's tail

  3. 單鞭 - single whip

  4. 斜飛勢 - flying oblique high and low

  5. 提手上勢 - raise hands and step up

  6. 白鶴涼翅 - white crane flaps its wings

  7. 摟膝拗步 - brush knee twist step

  8. 手揮琵琶 - stroke the lute

  9. 搬攔捶 - parry, deflect and punch

  10. 如封似閉 - as if shutting a door

  11. 抱虎歸山 - embrace tiger, return to mountain

  12. 十字手 - cross hands

  13. 肘底看捶 - fist under elbow

  14. 倒攆猴 - step back repulse monkey

  15. 海底針 - needle at sea bottom

  16. 扇通背 - fan through the back

  17. 撇身捶 - swing fist

  18. 雲手 - cloud hands

  19. 高探馬 - pat the horse high

  20. 左右披身 - drape body to left and right

  21. 左右分腳 - separate legs left and right

  22. 轉身蹬腳 - turn body and kick

  23. 進步栽捶 - step forward punch down

  24. 翻身撇身捶 - turn body and swing fist

  25. 卸步七星 - step back seven stars

  26. 打虎勢 - to beat the tiger

  27. 披身踢腳 - twist the body and kick

  28. 雙峰貫耳 - box the ears

  29. 野馬分鬃 - parting wild horse's mane

  30. 玉女穿梭 - fair lady works shuttle

  31. 蛇身下勢 - snake creeps down (low style)

  32. 金雞獨立 - golden cockerel stands on 1 leg

  33. 撲面掌 - slap the face

  34. 擺蓮腿 - single hand sweep lotus leg

  35. 指擋捶 - punch the groin

  36. 退步跨虎 - step back to ride the tiger

  37. 雙擺蓮腿 - double hand sweep lotus leg

  38. 彎弓射虎 - draw the bow to shoot the tiger

  39. 雙抽腿 - double seizing legs

  40. 折臂式 - break arm style

  41. 迴旋手 - gyrating arms

  42. 虎抱頭 - tiger embraces head

  43. 白蛇吐信 - white snake spits out tongue

  44. 先鋒臂 - vanguard arms

  45. 飛花掌 - flying flower palm

  46. 五行肘 - 5 element arm

  47. 奔雷手 - running thunder hand

  48. 單抽腿 - single seizing leg

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